Shipping Options
That Offer Both Convenience & Choice
Get inventory back faster and save on shipping, Bring your own return labels or we can provide them for you – the choice is yours.

Choose your own shipping carriers, destinations, and policies.
With a couple of clicks, you can sync your Shippo or EasyPost (UPS, USPS, FedEx, etc) account to ReturnLogic. Generate your return labels effortlessly and automatically.
Take advantage of our labeling service.
Don’t feel like negotiating rates, having separate billing accounts, or non-existent support? No problem, we can take care of return labels for you.

Connect your team’s logistics tools.
Plug into your ERP, 3PL, or any other tool you need to get products to where they need to go. Integrate your logistic tools to create a seamless returns experience to make returns automation even easier.
Ready to transform the way your team manages returns?
Speak to a returns specialist to see if you’re a good fit!