Sustainable Returns
in Ecommerce
What we do today, matters tomorrow – Invest in the future of returns to support a circular economy.

The facts.
Consumers will never love everything they buy, every single time. Returns happen, but that does not mean our planet should suffer because of it. Brands attract and retain loyal customers that share their values.
Having a returns management solution that prioritizes optimizing the reverse supply chain will limit the negative impact returns have on our environment and planet. Returns data provides insight on a retailer’s returns performance so they can make more insightful and sustainable business decisions.
Each year in the US, 5 billion pounds of returned goods end up in landfills.
90% of shoppers
think returns get
restocked immediately.
Ecommerce returns produce 15% more landfill waste than brick and mortar.

How can retailers support sustainable returns?
- Leverage returns data to improve products and optimize return rates
- Focus on inefficiencies in reverse logistics
- Consider implementing resale programs or donating return items to charities for those in need.
Consumers buy from sustainable brands.
- 76% of Americans said that they would actually switch their preferred brand if they were offsetting carbon emissions
- Roughly 75% of the time, a return is within a retailers control

We believe in conscious commerce.
Even with your best efforts, there’s never zero waste. Connect with one of our partners to help with re-selling, liquidation, and handling waste.
Sustainable Brands We Love
Want to learn more about our sustainable partners and programs?
Speak to a returns specialist to see if you’re a good fit!